Published on 10th November, 2019






It happens with most of us that we drop-in our dirty clothes for dry cleaning and, mysteriously, when we get them back, they are as good as new. Dry cleaning has been in the market for decades, but many people still don’t know how actually it is different from the traditional laundry. If you are also one of those who are not aware of what actually goes behind the dry cleaning process, keep reading on! Because LaundryMan has got some dry cleaning facts that you might not know of.

Specific Purpose

Dry cleaning uses chemical solvents to clean those fabrics that cannot wet washed. For example, in the case of silk, dry cleaning maintains its shape, colour and texture, which otherwise can get damaged if washed in water. Once the cleaning phase is done, the clothes may then undergo post-spotting stage for any remaining dirt residue.

Stubborn Stain Removal

Unlike traditional laundry, dry cleaning offers a wide range of methods to tackle different and stubborn stains. Depending on the nature of the stain and the fabric of the cloth, a dry cleaner can tweak the pre-spotting stage – apply vacuum, steam or heat – thereby, preventing any damage caused by the solvents.

Increases Lifespan

Dry cleaning avoids material wear due to the agitation of the washing machine. This helps in retaining the fibre bond over the longer period, making your clothes last longer, and colours shine brighter. It also benefits your pocket as you don’t have to buy new clothes more often. It’s a win-win situation for you!

To Do or Not to Do

Usually, you may come across a universal rule which states, “Dry Cleaning is for fragile fabric whereas laundry is for durable fabric”. But in reality, it doesn’t hold any truth. Though soft fabrics such as silk and wool mandatorily require dry cleaning, there are certain tough fabrics that require care as well. Cashmere, for example, is dry cleaned and not regular-washed.